What is the reality of life

Personal touch - Diary

This is the reality of life

The Lonely Journey…

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The reality of life is that each individual has to run his or her own parkour. All of us have to grow up, learn by experience and have to find a way to construct life as good as possible.

Each person has to make his or her own decisions, and by the way the person makes choices, it shall have an effect on the future. At times one shall see or feel that one is on his own, feeling lonely to tackle the brisk moments of life.

However, we turn it or not, we will have to recognise that not all things in life are beautiful. Each of us, encounters good days and bad days. Some more or less than others.

Each person shall have to recognise that life is full of hurdles and experiences.


  1. Reality of Life
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  3. The certainty of Uncertain Life
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  5. Life matter
  6. “If there’s a thing I’ve learned in my life it’s to not be afraid of the responsibility that comes with caring
  7. The Fight Is Within You

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