Not so many certain things in life

List 10 things you know to be absolutely certain.

There are not so many certain things in live. To be “absolutely certain” is more uncertain than a fact.

The undeniable fact is that there is only one God above all gods and living beings. I am convinced it is that Bore, or Divine Creator, that we do have to worship and make His Name (Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh אהיה אשר אהיהJehovah) to be known all over the world.

Though I am sure to be alive now, I am not so sure if that still be so in a few months or next year. But I am convinced that as long the Elohim wants to give me life on earth, I shall be grateful and show Him thankfulness for what He provides for me, my family and the people around me.

One certainty we can not avoid is that we at a certain time shall become confronted with a huge battle. Perhaps the war I escaped at the moment shall haunt me. It could well be that Putin is Gog about whom the Bible speaks. He shall go further to the south, to conquer the countries around his country, and will let his troops go to the doors of Jerusalem. In case he would not yet be that Leader going South, I believe the Scriptures are telling the truth and as such I am fully convinced that one day Armageddon shall come.

Also what the living as well as the dead shall come to see and hear, is the call of the returning lord Jeshua, Jesus Christ, our Messiah. He shall judge the living and the dead. After that judgement, I do hope I shall be allowed to enter the Kingdom of God. But of that, I can not be sure. I dream of it, hoping to belong to the Chosen People of God, being justified to enter the small gate of the beautiful peaceful world, where there will be no jealousy, hate, fighting, or pain.

Other absolutely certain things are that I know that many family members have been killed by the Germans in their extermination camps, and that my grandparents survived World War II thanks to great human ‘angels’.

To be honest, I do not think I can be sure of other things. I am also thankful for the people who took care I could come to live in Belgium for the time being. But how long I shall be able to stay here is another matter.

I must say I was first afraid that I could not reach ten things I know to be absolutely certain, but in the end, it surprised me I could notate ten facts or certainties.

  1. There is only One True God; 2. The Elohim Hashem Jehovah gives me life; 3. I live here on this earth; 4. I was born into a loving family and I love my parents and grandparents; 5. I managed to escape the war in Ukraine (though who is not telling that war could reach the regions where I fled to?); 6. Mankind has proven he can not make something good of the earth and their way of life.; 7. One day there would come a third World War, Armageddon; 8. There shall be people allowed to enter the Kingdom of God, but others would lose lives, land up in the grave and decay forever. 9. Jesus shall reign as king from the city of Jerusalem in his kingdom before handing it over to his heavenly Father, the Only One true God of Israel; 10. Those allowed to enter the Kingdom of God shall live endlessly in a renewed earth, a Paradise forever.

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