Being afraid a fool might trick so many people

Donald Trump

In the United States, there is another discussed figure who wants to get the most votes at any cost in order to become president of one of the biggest nations again.

Donald Trump plays another game of bluff poker over conviction

Donald Trump who has no qualms about blackening others and sending all sorts of untruths into the world in the meantime, blamed Joe Biden for his conviction in his “hush money” case in a rambling speech in which he also attacked the judge who was set to sentence him last month.

At the end of May twelve New York City jurors began deliberations in the first criminal trial of a U.S. president. Even though he had called the judge a puppet of Biden who could not deliver a fair verdict and intimidated the jurors daily, the latter still dared to stand up to the bully and found him guilty of falsifying business records in his hush money trial, marking the historic first conviction of a former US president, him being the first American president to be declared a felon, a stain he will carry as he seeks to regain the presidency.

The 12 New Yorkers who made up the jury heard weeks of tawdry testimony describing tabloid deal-making, a sexual encounter between Trump and the porn star Stormy Daniels, and the $130,000 payoff that kept her silent.

Prosecutors contended that Trump had engaged in a fraud against the American people, arguing that he had falsified records related to the reimbursement of his onetime fixer, Michael Cohen, who paid her out of his own pocket.

Biden said:

“The American principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed,”

It is unbelievable that the Republican Jewish Coalition leapt to the defense of the right-wing Donald Trump.

“Without question this is a political prosecution of a political opponent,”

Matt Brooks, the group’s CEO, said after jurors in Manhattan delivered the historic verdict following a day and a half of deliberation on Thursday May 30.

Trump blamed Jewish billionaire George Soros, invoking a trope that Jewish organisations have denounced as leading to antisemitic violence.
Trump invoked Soros when he was indicted in March 2023 and has repeatedly done so in fundraising appeals since launching his bid to wrest back the presidency from President Joe Biden.

The RCJ’s counterpart among Democrats, the Jewish Democratic Council of America, said the verdict and Trump’s remarks afterwards demonstrated “the threat Trump poses” to democracy.

“Trump continued to fuel the fire of antisemitic conspiracy theories by blaming the ‘Soros-backed’ district attorney for leading the case,”

JDCA said. “Less than an hour after the jury returned its verdict, Trump was spewing hate and blaming Jews.”

Trump supporters outside the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse yesterday. Photographer: Yuki Iwamura/Bloomberg

The verdict meant the Republican presidential nominee could be handed a possible prison sentence during his election campaign.

As expected, Trump, 77, told the masses he is the victim of a Democratic cabal and shall not stop fighting to bring real justice to his country. His campaign emailed out a fund-raising appeal calling him a “political prisoner.”.  Trump thus managed to bring in $53 million of campaign money in one day, “courtesy of porn actress Stormy Daniels”.

“The real verdict is going to be November 5, by the people,”

Trump said as he left the court.

Joe Biden warned on Friday May 31, that it was reckless and “dangerous” for anyone to claim Donald Trump’s criminal conviction was the result of a rigged trial, as the former president hit out at the verdict against him and Republicans maligned the integrity of America’s justice system.

From the first session as president, Trump made it possible for confidence to be lost in a Democratic America. Internationally, the US has been losing credibility for years, from the war in Iraq to its support for Israel’s actions in Gaza. China also came to view the US as a power in decline and has drawn a growing cast of strongmen in its orbit.

Flavia Krause-Jackson of Bloomberg said:

That it might elect a criminal for president simply gives more ammunition to those pushing for the demise of the US-led world order.

Donald Trump risks being a “loser president” if he wins November’s election and imposes a bad peace deal on Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky has said, saying it would mean the end of the US as a global “player”.

In an interview with the Guardian in Kyiv, Zelensky said he had “no strategy yet” for what to do if Trump returned to the White House, and that the former British prime minister Boris Johnson had approached him on his behalf.

If Trump beats Joe Biden, he is widely expected to cut off US military support to Ukraine. Last year Trump boasted he could end the war in “24 hours”.

Trump’s aides have previously sketched out a possible plan that would involve giving Ukraine’s eastern regions to Russia, as well as Crimea. But Zelenskiy made clear that “Ukrainians would not put up with that”. Nor would they accept a Russian “ultimatum” that forced Ukraine to abandon integration with Europe and future membership of Nato, he said.

Donald Trump finds a kindred spirit in younger Elon Musk

The very right-wing Elon Musk has already briefed Trump about his plans to invest in a data-driven project to prevent voter fraud (which is almost non-existent). He also has committed his social media platform, X, to host live video town halls with Trump ahead of the election.

At the same time, the man who, like Trump, can also swim in money, remains using X to spread conspiracy theories that Democrats are intentionally “importing” millions of undocumented immigrants to vote in elections.

Musk also accused Biden of “treason” and claimed that if Democrats win control of the White House and Congress in November, America

“will become a permanent one-party deep socialist state.”

With such slogans, Musk can really frighten many Americans, as they have a holy terror of anything that might contain even a hint of socialism.
Musk lacks all social notions and therefore does not care to fire many hundreds of people just like that. He also has copied Trump’s disregard for the law. During the pandemic, when public health authorities refused Musk permission to reopen his Tesla factory, he did it anyway.

Musk and Trump are different generations, but they are feeling on one line.

Treating employees like dung. Taunting and ridiculing opponents. Refusing to be held accountable or be bound by norms or even laws. Bullying adversaries. Demeaning critics. Craving attention. Self-promoting. Making gobs of money. Impetuous. Unpredictable. Autocratic. Vindictive. Utterly lacking in empathy.

That says it all.

Their ego is so big that they have no empathy with others and are totally unconcerned with what the law requires of them, by also considering themselves higher than any law. They disdain democracy and their singular goal is to imprint their giant egos on everyone else — to exercise raw power over people. To make others grovel.

For the brazenly wealthy this shameless behaviour has become the new norm.


It may be very nice for the population to pay less tax, but they should not forget that many costs of the state do have to be covered.

The 2017 tax cuts reduced the rate of corporate income taxes from 35 percent to 21 percent, costing the nation $1.3 trillion. Promissing that the people would have to pay less tax shall rise the national debt even more.

Corporations could save a lot of money, but it did not help one bit to raise wages or make life easier for the average workers.

A large portion has gone into stock buybacks. The year after the tax cut went into effect, corporations bought back a record $1 trillion of their shares of stock. Buybacks raise stock prices — and, not incidentally, CEO compensation, which is largely in shares of stock.

Making Trump’s 2017 tax cuts permanent — as the Business Roundtable seeks — will cost $4 trillion over the next 10 years, $400 billion per year — and cause the debt to soar.

Trump’s lure may be to make America great again but he will pull it even deeper into the abyss while there will be an even greater disparity between the rich and the common people or working people, not to mention the so impoverished population that will end up on the streets.

Both, Biden and Trump have been warning their supporters of economic peril if the other man wins. The former president has predicted a stock-market crash and even a depression if Biden prevails.

Though for the daily customer in food shops and supermarkets, costs would  when he would enact 10% across-the-board tariffs on imports. Trump has promoted the tariffs as a way to offset tax cuts for households.


The share of respondents in a Conference Board survey who think November’s election will affect the economy was relatively low compared with June 2016 but slightly higher than in 2020. The question was part of its monthly survey of consumer confidence, which showed a slight drop in June on a more muted outlook for business.

President Biden faces deep doubts among Democrats, while Republicans have rallied behind Trump — even after his felony conviction, a poll by The Times and Siena College shows.

Only 42% of Democrat respondents told pollsters that they were satisfied with Biden as their candidate, whilst 6 in 10 Republicans are satisfied with Trump as their party’s candidate.

While Republicans are more likely to be satisfied with Trump as their candidate than Democrats are satisfied with Biden, the two candidates experience nearly identical levels of positivity and negativity across party lines.

Can it be that the debate on Thursday, that offers an unparalleled opportunity for both candidates to try to reshape the political narrative, would be able to bring more clearness into the heads of the American population?

Biden and Trump shall enter the night facing fierce headwinds, including a public weary of the tumult of partisan politics. Both candidates, who have already a certain high age, are disliked by majorities of Americans, according to polling, and offer sharply different visions on virtually every core issue.

Trump, who always comes up with innovations and plans that will make the country rise from its ashes, has promised sweeping plans to remake the U.S. government if he returns to the White House and Biden argues that his opponent would pose an existential threat to the nation’s democracy.

With suspicious eyes, a lot of people can look forward to a debate where both rulers will have to prove what they have to offer.

Curious how votes will turn out.



Beyond a reasonable doubt Donald J Trump is guilty declares jury


Additional reading

  1. Is Trumpism This Generation’s Version of the Confederacy?
  2. Is he doing it again
  3. Bloomberg Balance of power for 2023 January 04
  4. Is the situation within the United States really as bad as Donald Trump makes it seem?
  5. Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump’s fate
  6. Things are getting Stormy for Trump
  7. A look at the terrible American bluff
  8. Donald J. Trump found guilty
  9. As expected: Donald Trump insisted he is “a very innocent man”
  10. For the first time in U.S. history a former president found guilty of inadmissible offences
  11. Could Trump go to prison


Further reading

  1. Stormy Daniels | The porn star who took centre stage
  2. | Trump stared ahead red faced as the jury delivered history
  3. Republican Jewish Coalition defends Donald Trump after he is convicted on 34 felony counts
  4. Biden hits back at Trump’s ‘dangerous’ claim hush-money trial was rigged

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