Protection of EU funds: EU should do more to detect, prevent and recover frauds

This article is brought to you in association with the European Parliament. The Budgetary Control Committee adopted its annual anti-fraud report for … Money allocated to support Ukraine not adequately monitored and controlled Protection of EU funds: EU should do more to detect, prevent and recover frauds + …. the EU funds for assistance in non-EU countries and the … More Protection of EU funds: EU should do more to detect, prevent and recover frauds

Ukraine’s counteroffensive not running like it should

Fighting through what feels like an endless cycle of barely escaping death in a brutal war in which so many have already fallen, Ukrainian soldiers say they are exhausted by the horror they see daily.
While Russian forces have often carried out an effective defence, the existence of Storm-Z units “highlights the extreme difficulty” Russia faces in generating combat infantry capable of conducting successful assaults, but the Russian army is ruthless for its own as well as for the Ukrainian soldiers. … More Ukraine’s counteroffensive not running like it should

Looking forward to a time of fully of and for my self

Some people would probably never retire from blogging, but concerning daily jobs, there are those who would love to leave such a job as soon as possible, whilst others do not mind postponing their retirement as long as they can do their job properly. I myself will be happy when the time arrives, that I shall be able to have some nice time for myself. … More Looking forward to a time of fully of and for my self

a European Youth Event in the European Parliament in Strasbourg

In June around 10 000 young people are expected to participate in 250 in-person and hybrid activities – debates, discussions, networking opportunities, artistic performances, sports and interactive workshops-, organised by the European Parliament in cooperation with youth organisations, other EU institutions, civil society and the participants themselves. … More a European Youth Event in the European Parliament in Strasbourg