Reason to look out for what happens far beyond us

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Living in this world, we can shut ourselves off from what happens outside us. We can build our personal lives in our own cocoon. But in the end, we will not be able to escape the consequences of what happens outside our own living world. Therefore, it is best to make ourselves aware of what is really happening. To do this, then, we need to follow up on what is happening around the world.

Recreated Gutenberg press at the International Printing Museum, Carson, California
deforestation one of the causes of climate change

The nice thing about our technological world today is that we have a lot of tools to keep up to date with what is happening in the world. Radio, television and the written press keep us informed of what is happening all around us. However, there are so many events happening in the world that are not that particularly important to us or do not really have an impact on the region where we reside. Then again, other things, which can happen very far away, can be critical to us because they can have serious consequences for our regions as well. For instance, deforestation happening in South America and Africa and air pollution in China and India also have a very big impact on our environment. The impact on the environment concerns the entire globe.

We need to be aware of what consequences certain actions may have for us, but also for others, who may even live far away from us, Likewise, we need to understand that what is happening in the world fits into a bigger picture. That picture is a long centuries predetermined plan from the Maker of all things.

However one turns it, the world will go to a point beyond man’s will and ability. Namely, the world will be heading towards an immeasurably great war, where humans will fight each other fiercely. That great battle (or Armageddon) will cause a lot of suffering, and the bloodshed will thin out mankind quite a bit.

Many may think that we will then have to face the end of the world. But the Bible indicates that the world will not come to an end. On the contrary, all that violence and sorrow will come to an end. In fact, a wonderful prospect is set before all those who choose God.  Indeed, believers in the Supreme Creator have the prospect of the returning Son of God, who will come to judge the living and enable the approved to step through the narrow gate of the Kingdom of God, into a renewed world, where complete peace reigns.

Those who believe in the son of God and want to follow his mission to preach see enough reasons to warn others about the difficult times ahead. Starting this websiste came about because of the realisation of that mission. I want to help proclaim that Good News and warn people that we need to ‘turn’ or go in a different direction to preserve our nature and ensure ourselves a better and secure life.

The state of our world is anything but good. We cannot close our eyes to all the injustice and violence going on in this world. This website wants to help ensure that we do not turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to many terrible things that are happening around us, but are often not mentioned or hushed up.

Too many people think that war and violence are inevitable. This may be comfortable because they are constantly bombarded with information, telling them that this is the only way to take steps forward or achieve things in life. There are those in our society who will figuratively walk over corpses to achieve their goals. Furthermore, there are administrators who want people to believe that we cannot do without the armoury and that there is a hostile world lurking around the corner. Many have come to believe that too.

But many do not dare to stand up for the weaker voices either and let those big pounders get on with it. There are so many who do not care what happens to other people or to nature, as long as they can make enough profit.

It comes down to everyone starting to see what is really happening in the world and why. It would also be better if more people were to find out how everything fits into God’s Plan. Hopefully, this website will contribute to that.



Find also to read:

  1. Armageddon
  2. Armageddon or the Great Tribulation
  3. Kingdom of God what will it be like
  4. Gospel or Good News
  5. Do not be afraid – Good News


Additional reading

  1. Two sides to every story
  2. We have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace
  3. Today’s thought “Standing up for the faith” (December 20)
  4. Signs of the Last Days
  5. Matthew 24 about temples or Houses of God and the end of the age
  6. Matthew 24:3 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Desolation, Oppression and the Parousia – The Apostles’ Question
  7. Matthew Henry’s commentary on Matthew 25
  8. Memorizing wonderfully 35 When the son returns it shall be As it came to pass in the days of Noah
  9. Reason to preach #4 Informed followers of Christ
  10. Today’s Thought “Witnessing servants of God” (June 19)


Further related articles

  1. When Our Deepest Desires Reveal God in Us
  2. No AI won’t wipe out humanity -but that doesn’t mean there isn’t an ethical issue
  3. ‘The Risk of Extinction:’ AI Leaders Agree on One-Sentence Warning
  4. Watching for The End, Part One
  5. Watching for The End, Part Two
  6. Watching for The End, Part Three
  7. How Would You Live if You Knew the Day You’d Die?
  8. What’s Up With The Book Of Revelation? Part 8
  9. How The World Could’ve Actually ‘Ended’ in 2012
  10. Signs of His Coming
  11. ‘rock star’ fashion and the end of the human race
  12. Are you ready for the DAY OF JUDGMENT on the LAST DAY at THE END OF THE WORLD (Matthew 24:36) (Mark 13:31) (1 Peter 21:33) (2 Peter 3:10) (Revelation 21:1-3)?
  13. TIME is now speeding up toward the COMING End of Years (Matthew 24:1-36).
  14. Apocalypse Now
  15. The Supernatural God: Let’s go all Apocalypse!