What I would change about modern scoiety

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com
Daily writing prompt
What would you change about modern society?

For centuries mankind has tried to come to a good system to govern the world. I do know man shall not be able to get the perfect system, but we can try to come near to it. We shall have to be patient to wait until the return of the Messiah, Jeshua or Jesus Christ, who shall become the king here on earth of the most perfect government and most perfect kingdom.

Before it gets that far, we as inhabitants of this earth must try to make the best of it.

I would try to make human beings to understand that they all have to work together to create a nice peaceful world, where everybody, no matter what colour or culture, can live next to each other in peace and mutual understanding.

A lot of people have forgotten why they were created and what they should be working on. Gladly, I would like to make some people open their eyes so that they will see the light in the darkness and appreciate their Creator and His work. In today’s world, the last few decades we can see that not only on political level people started to quarrel. As foretold in Scripture we also see that religious groups came up to stand against each other, even going so far as to kill people. All over the earth, we notice that religious differences more often fuel conflicts and divide communities, instead of showing people the similarities between them and uniting them.

I would like to see more tolerance or coexistence between the many groups. I would even like to show them how several religious groups have very similar ideas about how to live together and how to build up a community. We need much more involvement, people actively engaging with people from different faiths to build mutual understanding, respect, and collaboration. One could say

Interfaith cooperation is not only desirable but necessary for building a peaceful and flourishing society.

Such cooperation is necessary to build the bridges between peoples and cultures. That way also a greater cooperation on issues of common concern can be fostered. At the same time, people can widen their horizon and learn about each other’s cultures first-hand, creating a foundation for future collaborations and partnerships that extend beyond politics or economics.

Instead of working side by side, one can achieve much more by working together. For such cooperation to work well, it is essential to accept that there may be differences and that they need not be a hindrance in order to still build a good relationship. In the past we could already see examples how mutual understandings between humans made them conquer the impossible. But we also have a plenty fold of examples that prove that lack of mutual understanding has made man do things that are unwanted, problematic and destructive.

Sometimes it looks like I have been catapulted from an old world, where everything seemed to go so smoothly, into an electronic world where machines direct life and many have become robots, lacking any empathy, in the system that controls them all. They seem to think they are free, but for me, they look more like slaves of their society, which has its eyes directed on material wealth.When I was a kid we played outside and had good fun with others of the village, but here it looks like the kids may not be kid any more. They are dressed as adults and have their eyes focused on a tablet or smartphone. They too, have become part of the modern machinery of consumption. Playful innocence and simplicity does not seem to exist over here. Their parents alwqys seem in a rush, not having time to take care of their kids.They have lots of ‘to do lists’ which they which they carefully point out. They are chasing ambitions and goals instead of lives wholeheartedly, and before they know they will be old and have missed so much beauty of this world.

For sure that is what I would like to see changed. Having again human beings with a living soul, able to communicate in spirit and love with each other, not afraid to play and to enjoy life to the fullest.



  1. My tagline
  2. Reason to look out for what happens far beyond us
  3. There are many things that bother me
  4. Time for doing and gaining
  5. A Book of books accompanying me day and night


Additional reading

  1. Since 2011 increases in life expectancy have slowed after decades of steady improvement
  2. 2013 Lifestyle, religiously and spiritualy
  3. Vatican meeting of mayors talking about global warming, human trafficking and modern-day slavery
  4. American social perception, classes and fear mongering
  5. Not everything has to be reciprocated with money
  6. Reason to preach #3 Time of increases of bad things
  7. The Dream home for the future



  1. What bothers me…?
  2. People not reciprocating feelings
  3. Mazower: Governing the World
  4. Destined for Each Other!
  5. Why relationships break
  6. Your choice
  7. The Power of Connection: Why Building Strong Relationships is Key to Success – Part 3
  8. The Power of Connection: Why Building Strong Relationships is Key to Success – Part 6 of 7
  9. Cultural Diplomacy: Building Bridges Across Borders
  10. Why Interfaith Cooperation is Crucial for a Peaceful and Flourishing Society
  11. Breaking Down Barriers: The Importance of Interfaith
  12. Exploring the World of Religion: Themes and Similarities in comparative religion
  13. Cultural Diplomacy: Building Relationships Through Mutual Understanding
  14. Art of Communication
  15. Japan, South Korea improve “mutual understanding”
  16. The problems we face.
  17. Human Collaboration
  18. How to Find a Compromise?
  19. Are You On the Same Page?
  20. A relationship without a label?
  21. Working In Harmony
  22. Partnering Together
  23. 5 Ingredients to a Productive Partnership
  24. “Empowering Change: Unmasking the Hidden Injustices of Modern Society for a Progressive
  25. 1000 years just ..
  26. What would I change about modern society?
  27. Modern society
  28. Bring Back the Playful Innocence and Simplicity
  29. Discrimination, sexism, animal brutality, unsympathetic attitude and education system
  30. What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world?
  31. Technology is not your friend
  32. My vision about
  33. A Lack of Empathy
  34. Letters – I would like to change the way we interact.
  35. A hopeful thought

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